Impressions: How Am I Even Writing This?

⊆ 11:52 PM by A. Liebendorfer | , , . | ˜ 5 comments »

The rush and rapture of the college life has come and, almost, passed.

I'm finally getting that swamped feeling with all this reading we have to do and frankly, I'm a little peeved at the professors.  Some of them have a rhyme or reason behind what they're having us read, like the single textbook for journalism 101.  For other classes, however, the reading is disjointed, superfluous, and really a waste of time.

My old high school strategies are changing.  Over are the days of reading a chapter for comprehension.  Take Public Speaking, for example.  The dual set of textbooks we have for that mess are by far the worst textbooks I've ever read.  They're abominable, especially the one, i Speak, where they over- and restate things several dozen times within a chapter.  And to think, I actually wanted to learn public speaking before all of that.

While the rest of my floor mates are in constant Nerf gun melees, I realized that I really did take a hard schedule this quarter.  And it's kind of got me bummed.  

I had it all planned out: I was going to be on The Post, the Speakeasy, Backdrop, and maybe poke my head in at Brick City Records this fall.  But with 100-plus pages to read every night and classes that I don't need to take (UC190) and things I never wanted to do in the first place (five hours worth of mandatory study tables) I'll be lucky to scratch up regular attendance with the triathlon club.

So in these rare circumstances, I'm actually very thankful a sorority girl decided to wake me up from the hall.  She hollered my name in a thick, northern Ohio accent -or rather "aaaccent"- and I sprung awake and went right back to the fifty some pages I had left for "Religion, Gender, and Sexuality."

5 Responses to Impressions: How Am I Even Writing This?

  1. Sarah Maloy Says:
    So glad I'm not the only one who despises UC 190 and the Coms book...

    By the way, did you know you can't even be on Backdrop, Speakeasy, and the Post? The latter two will only let you write for them, not their competitors.
  2. A. Liebendorfer Says:
    ah gay, i didn't know that. that's good in a way though... at least ill have some free time this quarter
  3. A. Liebendorfer Says:
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  4. The A.G.B Says:
    You have Nerf gun fights in your dorm???? Where do you live?!?!?
  5. A. Liebendorfer Says:
    haha we're in washington, first floor. i'm putting together a little photo essay about what its like to be a washingtonian

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