Election '08: Why I'm Not a PoliSci Major

⊆ 7:16 PM by A. Liebendorfer | ˜ 0 comments »

If I was president
I'd get elected on Friday
Assassinated on Saturday
Buried on Sunday
They'd go back to work on Monday

-"President," Wyclef Jean

About a year ago, I turned eighteen. And what's so great about that? Cigars, rifles, and questionable movies of course! Oh yeah... and the draft and voting.

There's been a lot of sludge from this election mucking up the T.V. lately.

First, this:

Then, the very next commercial:

And during the next commercial break, the blockbuster:

For a lack of a better word, this is all petty crap. Absolute petty crap. First McCain makes up that Ayers crap (word of the day) about Obama. Obama then disproves that crap. Shit-move, McCain; Obama's the good guy. It happened so fast, it was almost in real-time. Come back after the news break and there's Barak Obama approving the next message and it's that classic one, "Seven," where Barak'n'roll bashes Johnny for owning seven houses (worth $13 million).

As part of a strung-out, tired bag-o-bones electorate that'll be spending the lesser of two evils come Election Day, I don't give... you're right, a crap.

Let's face it, we can only really go up next January. That's debatable but I think most people could agree on that if they had to. I'm not being apathetic; I'm only being honest. Both guys would do at least an OK job in the Oval Office. Aside from Mike Gravel, -God forgive me- Ron Paul, and a few others, any of the major contenders would do a good a job.

Now here's something none of us can argue: we've all only got one vote. Nothing gives me a bigger migraine than being around people who debate politics with no apparent goal. Emphasize your one vote all you want but if came down to you changing someone's mind and, say, venture capitalists trying make an elevator to the moon, my money's with the bimbos.

Well, the venture the capitalists.

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